Risk factors for poorer respiratory outcomes in adolescents and young adults born pretermElizabeth F Smith, Naomi R Hemy, Graham L Hall, Andrew C Wilson, Conor P Murray, Shannon J Simpson
19 May 2023
Lung function tracking in children with perinatally acquired HIV following early antiretroviral therapy initiationAndré Gie, Claire Davies, Florin Vaida, Julie Morrison, David Maree, Kennedy Otwombe, Sara H Browne, Marieke M van der Zalm, Mark F Cotton, Steve Innes, Pierre Goussard
21 July 2023
Examining the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on community virus prevalence and healthcare utilisation reveals that peaks in asthma, COPD and respiratory tract infection occur with the re-emergence of rhino/enterovirusTerence Ho, Abdullah Shahzad, Aaron Jones, Natya Raghavan, Mark Loeb, Neil Johnston
9 July 2023
Asthma symptoms, spirometry and air pollution exposure in schoolchildren in an informal settlement and an affluent area of Nairobi, KenyaHellen Meme, Evans Amukoye, Cressida Bowyer, Jeremiah Chakaya, Darpan Das, Ruaraidh Dobson, Ulrike Dragosits, Jonathan Fuld, Cindy Gray, Matthew Hahn, Richard Kiplimo, Maia Lesosky, Miranda M Loh, Jean McKendree, Kevin MortimerSee the full list of authors
6 June 2023
Efficacy of vibrotactile positional therapy devices on patients with positional obstructive sleep apnoea: a systematic review and meta-analysisAbdullah S ALQarni, Chris D Turnbull, Mary J Morrell, Julia L Kelly
21 June 2023
Super-responders to anti-IL-5/anti-IL-5R are characterised by high sputum eosinophil counts at baselineSara Gerday, Sophie Graff, Catherine Moermans, Françoise Guissard, Virginie Paulus, Monique Henket, Renaud Louis, Florence Schleich
1 September 2023
Estimating individual treatment effects on COPD exacerbations by causal machine learning on randomised controlled trialsKenneth Verstraete, Iwein Gyselinck, Helene Huts, Nilakash Das, Marko Topalovic, Maarten De Vos, Wim Janssens
3 April 2023
Emulated trial investigating effects of multiple treatments: estimating combined effects of mucoactive nebulisers in cystic fibrosis using registry dataEmily Granger, Gwyneth Davies, Ruth H Keogh
14 July 2023
Tracheostomy in children is associated with neutrophilic airway inflammationJason Powell, Steven Powell, Michael W Mather, Lauren Beck, Andrew Nelson, Pawel Palmowski, Andrew Porter, Jonathan Coxhead, Ann Hedley, Jonathan Scott, Anthony J Rostron, Thomas P Hellyer, Fatima Zaidi, Tracey Davey, James P GarnettSee the full list of authors
20 February 2023
Higher SARS-CoV-2 detection of oropharyngeal compared with nasopharyngeal or saliva specimen for molecular testing: a multicentre randomised comparative accuracy studyTobias Todsen, Martin G Tolsgaard, Thomas Benfield, Fredrik Folke, Kathrine K Jakobsen, Niels Tobias Gredal, Annette K Ersbøll, Christian von Buchwald, Nikolai Kirkby
19 May 2023