Emulated trial investigating effects of multiple treatments: estimating combined effects of mucoactive nebulisers in cystic fibrosis using registry dataEmily Granger, Gwyneth Davies, Ruth H Keogh
14 July 2023
Tracheostomy in children is associated with neutrophilic airway inflammationJason Powell, Steven Powell, Michael W Mather, Lauren Beck, Andrew Nelson, Pawel Palmowski, Andrew Porter, Jonathan Coxhead, Ann Hedley, Jonathan Scott, Anthony J Rostron, Thomas P Hellyer, Fatima Zaidi, Tracey Davey, James P GarnettSee the full list of authors
20 February 2023
Higher SARS-CoV-2 detection of oropharyngeal compared with nasopharyngeal or saliva specimen for molecular testing: a multicentre randomised comparative accuracy studyTobias Todsen, Martin G Tolsgaard, Thomas Benfield, Fredrik Folke, Kathrine K Jakobsen, Niels Tobias Gredal, Annette K Ersbøll, Christian von Buchwald, Nikolai Kirkby
19 May 2023
Pulmonary telerehabilitation vs. conventional pulmonary rehabilitation – a secondary responder analysisHenrik Hansen, Andre Torre, Thomas Kallemose, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik, Nina Skavlan Godtfredsen
14 July 2023
Brain activity measured by functional brain imaging predicts breathlessness improvement during pulmonary rehabilitationSarah L Finnegan, Michael Browning, Eugene Duff, Catherine J Harmer, Andrea Reinecke, Najib M Rahman, Kyle T S Pattinson
26 December 2022
Observational UK cohort study to describe intermittent oral corticosteroid prescribing patterns and their association with adverse outcomes in asthmaHeath Heatley, Trung N Tran, Arnaud Bourdin, Andrew Menzies-Gow, David J Jackson, Ekaterina Maslova, Jatin Chapaneri, Derek Skinner, Victoria Carter, Jeffrey Shi Kai Chan, Con Ariti, John Haughney, David B Price
27 December 2022
Asthma hospitalisations and heat exposure in England: a case–crossover study during 2002–2019Garyfallos Konstantinoudis, Cosetta Minelli, Holly Ching Yu Lam, Elaine Fuertes, Joan Ballester, Bethan Davies, Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera, Antonio Gasparrini, Marta Blangiardo
17 April 2023
Inhaled pirfenidone solution (AP01) for IPF: a randomised, open-label, dose–response trialAlex West, Nazia Chaudhuri, Adam Barczyk, Margaret L Wilsher, Peter Hopkins, Ian Glaspole, Tamera Jo Corte, Martina Šterclová, Antony Veale, Ewa Jassem, Marlies S Wijsenbeek, Christopher Grainge, Wojciech Piotrowski, Ganesh Raghu, Michele L ShafferSee the full list of authors
22 March 2023
Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of X-rays of the chest from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): a randomised controlled trialNick Woznitza, Bhagabati Ghimire, Anand Devaraj, Sam M Janes, Keith Piper, Susan Rowe, Angshu Bhowmik, Natasha Hayes, Daniel Togher, Nikita Arumalla, Erik Skyllberg, Iain T H Au-Yong, Susan Geary, Bindu George, Sarah SheardSee the full list of authors
8 November 2022
Characterising airway obstructive, dysanaptic and PRISm phenotypes of prematurity-associated lung diseaseMichael Cousins, Kylie Hart, Sarah J Kotecha, A John Henderson, W John Watkins, Andrew Bush, Sailesh Kotecha
1 February 2023