Low serum iron levels are associated with elevated plasma levels of coagulation factor VIII and pulmonary emboli/deep venous thromboses in replicate cohorts of patients with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasiaJohn A Livesey, Richard A Manning, John H Meek, James E Jackson, Elena Kulinskaya, Michael A Laffan, Claire L Shovlin
14 December 2011
Nocturnal temperature controlled laminar airflow for treating atopic asthma: a randomised controlled trialRobert J Boyle, Christophe Pedroletti, Magnus Wickman, Leif Bjermer, Erkka Valovirta, Ronald Dahl, Andrea Von Berg, Olof Zetterström, John O Warner, for the 4A Study Group
30 November 2011
The impact of traffic air pollution on bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and mortality after lung transplantationTim S Nawrot, Robin Vos, Lotte Jacobs, Stijn E Verleden, Shana Wauters, Veerle Mertens, Christophe Dooms, Peter H Hoet, Dirk E Van Raemdonck, Christel Faes, Lieven J Dupont, Benoit Nemery, Geert M Verleden, Bart M Vanaudenaerde
23 March 2011
The rising incidence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the UKV Navaratnam, K M Fleming, J West, C J P Smith, R G Jenkins, A Fogarty, R B Hubbard
27 April 2011
Costs of occupational asthma in the UKJon G Ayres, Richard Boyd, Hilary Cowie, J Fintan Hurley
21 November 2010
Postmenopausal hormone therapy and asthma onset in the E3N cohortIsabelle Romieu, Alban Fabre, Agnes Fournier, Francine Kauffmann, Raphaëlle Varraso, Sylvie Mesrine, Benedicte Leynaert, Francoise Clavel-Chapelon
8 February 2010